Category: Workshops

WLD 2021 Soundwalk

Matrix441 joins World Listening Day 2021 : The Unquiet Earth In 2020 we were forced to pause by an invisible virus. This brought countless consequences to...

Sound workshop – Field recording

The field recording workshop will be introducing contemporary concepts in field recording, sound art, installations, architecture and sound design, with the use of field recordings as...

Public Spaces

Matrix441 Lab | 19-20 september 2020 Delavnica Javni prostori / Public Spaces uvaja koncepte, ki trenutno vplivajo na področja snemanja zvoka, zvočne umetnosti, instalacije, arhitekture in...


BIOZVOK: Delavnica terenskega snemanja Matrix441 Lab | 9. november 2019 Program delavnice: Teorija snemanja Tehnike snemanja Analiza posnetkov Filtriranje in uporaba sonogramov Terensko snemanje – praktični...

WLD 2019 Soundwalk/Workshop

Matrix 441 joins World Listening Day 2019 : Listening With Every year in July, people around the globe gather to celebrate World Listening Day. This year...


Teorija snemanja, tehnike snemanja, analiza posnetkov, filtriranje in uporaba sonogramov, terensko snemanje – praktični del